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Altitude Organics

Altitude Organic Medicine’s story began with a dream, three men, and a craigslist ad. After opening up the very first storefront on West Colorado Ave, Luther Bonow found himself short on products that would respectfully cater to the most important part of his dispensary’s name; “Organic Medicine.” So with limited options, he posted an ad on Craigslist for quality growers. Aaron Bluse and William Martin, two Colorado natives, answered his advertisement. Together these three men established the perfect balance of retail sales, marketing, and ability to grow the high quality cannabis that was hard to find among commercial grows.

Their operation continued to grow over the course of about three years, until May of 2012 when the U.S. Attorney’s Office deemed Altitude Organic Medicine too close to Buena Vista Elementary School, giving the owners 45 days to pack up and move. They found a new home in Dillon Colorado, and they’ve quickly become Summit County’s favorite recreational dispensary. Now Altitude Organics (as it’s locally known) offers Mountain locals and tourists alike just what their heart desires; clean cannabis.

Collab Batches

This list is not a live inventory!
Please check with your local store to determine if these batches are still in stock.


Batches Released since April 2020


Dispensaries in 104 Colorado Cities


Collabs with CO Cannabis Brands